LE GRAND PALAIS / Carambolages

Synchronized digital labels for RMN - Le Grand Palais

System of 30 synchronized digital labels. Made for the “Carambolages” exhibition at Le grand Palais.

Carambolage, or Cannon in English is a term used in the game of billiards. A shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other. fig.: double whammy, shot ricochet.
185 works of art from different eras, styles and countries are presented in an exhibition designed like a game of dominoes, where each work leads to the next by an association of ideas or forms. The creations of Boucher, Giacometti, Rembrandt, Man Ray, Annette Messager and other anonymous artists interact in a fun tour that revisits our traditional approach to art history.

Exhibition organised by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux – Grand Palais


Curator : Jean-Hubert Martin
Scenography : Hugues Fontenas & Laure Lienard
Coordination : Loïc Horellou
Graphism / Prints : Jérôme Saint Loubert-Bié
: Studio Bruyant